August 29, 2023

SoCalGas [H2]创新经验获地区“优异奖”



DOWNEY, Calif., Aug. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas)是获颁区域“优异奖”的16位得奖者之一 Engineering News-Record (ENR) California for its [H2] Innovation Experience microgrid demonstration project. 该奖项的获得者还包括医疗保健等领域的其他值得注意的项目, hospitality, and education.

The award comes as part of ENR加州2023年最佳项目竞赛. 今年,一个独立的专家小组对来自美国的75个参赛作品进行了评估 California and Hawaii 并颁发了26个最佳项目和16个优秀奖. “优异奖”旨在表彰全国最好的建筑项目以及设计和建造这些项目的公司.

“[H2]创新体验是第一次展示如何 California's 电力和天然气系统可以协同工作,全天候为社区提供可再生和有弹性的能源," said Neil Navin他是SoCalGas的首席清洁燃料官. “[H2]创新体验在18个月内建成,达到LEED白金标准,并具有完美的安全记录, 多亏了创新的设计和熟练的工会工人把这个微电网的概念变成了现实. 该示范项目的开幕受到了劳工领袖的庆祝, policymakers, 还有政府官员,因为这证明了这一点 California has the technology, infrastructure expertise, 以及一支强大的熟练劳动力队伍,随时准备交付项目,帮助加州实现清洁能源和气候目标."

“以H2创新体验为例, 评委们称赞了项目团队按时完成了如此先进的设施," said C.J. Schexnayder, Editor at ENR California. 他们还注意到项目团队对安全、节能和环保的承诺. 该项目的设计达到了预期的目的,为未来的参考创造了一个视觉上开放和良好的模型."

就在最近,该项目又获得了另一个认可 《太阳2平台》入围“最佳实验设计” 设计创新奖的奖项. 这个实验性的类别是为了表彰那些把易访问性放在首位和中心的项目. Fast Company also named the 在2021年提出一个改变世界的想法.

今年早些时候,加州副州长 Eleni Kounalakis joined SoCalGas at the 示范项目揭牌仪式 and said, “这是首个此类项目,展示了清洁的可再生氢气和微电网如何帮助家庭供电, enhance grid reliability, 并在太阳2平台州保留和增加高薪的工会工作."

Last year, the [H2]创新体验获得可持续创新奖 from the U.S. Green Building Council – Los Angeles 在“能源和运营碳”类别中, 认可社会公益对可持续发展的承诺和模范表现. 该项目为更可持续的未来做出了开创性的贡献,也获得了国际社会的认可 SEAL Sustainability Innovation Award,进一步凸显其重要性和影响.

[H2]创新体验是一个清洁氢微电网示范项目 Downey 具有清洁氢气生产和储存以及近2,在阳光明媚的日子里,它可以从太阳能电池板中获取电力,并将多余的可再生能源转化为清洁的氢. 多余的可再生能源可以储存起来,然后再转化为电能, as needed, 通过现场的氢燃料电池,一天24小时不间断, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 该项目按照能源与环境设计(LEED)白金标准建造.

2021年,SoCalGas成为美国第一家也是最大的天然气公用事业公司 the United States to 宣布到2045年实现温室气体净零排放的目标. Last year, the company announced its Sustainability Strategy通过制定可衡量的清洁能源和可持续发展目标,将言论付诸行动. 这些努力涵盖了广泛的目标和倡议,旨在实现安全, reliable, resilient, affordable, 公平地向净零能源过渡.

点击观看和了解更多太阳2平台[H2]创新体验 here.


About SoCalGas

Headquartered in Los Angeles, SoCalGas® 美国最大的天然气配送公司是 United States. SoCalGas delivers affordable, reliable, 为全球2100多万消费者提供越来越多的可再生天然气服务 24,000 square miles of Central and Southern California. 通过该公司管道输送的天然气将继续在加州的清洁能源转型中发挥关键作用——提供电网可靠性,并支持风能和太阳能的部署.

SoCalGas' mission is to build the 美国最清洁、最安全、最具创新的能源基础设施公司. 为了支持这一使命,SoCalGas渴望实现这一目标 net-zero greenhouse gas emissions 到2030年,用可再生天然气(RNG)取代其向核心客户供应的20%的传统天然气. 可再生天然气是由垃圾填埋场和污水处理厂产生的废物制成的. SoCalGas还致力于投资其天然气输送基础设施,同时保持客户负担得起的账单. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (纽约证券交易所代码:SRE)是一家总部位于圣地亚哥的能源基础设施公司.

For more information visit or connect with SoCalGas on Twitter (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@SoCalGas) and Facebook.

本新闻稿包含的陈述构成1995年《太阳2平台》意义上的前瞻性陈述. 前瞻性陈述是基于对未来的假设, involve risks and uncertainties, and are not guarantees. 未来的结果可能与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异. 这些前瞻性陈述仅代表太阳2平台在本新闻稿发布之日的估计和假设. 太阳2平台不承担因新信息而更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务, future events or otherwise. 

In this press release, 前瞻性陈述可以通过“相信”等词来识别," "expects," "intends," "anticipates," "contemplates," "plans," "estimates," "projects," "forecasts," "should," "could," "would," "will," "confident," "may," "can," "potential," "possible," "proposed," "in process," "construct," "develop," "opportunity," "initiative," "target," "outlook," "optimistic," "poised," "maintain," "continue," "progress," "advance," "goal," "aim," "commit," or similar expressions, or when we discuss our guidance, priorities, strategy, goals, vision, mission, opportunities, projections, intentions or expectations. 

Factors, among others, 可能导致实际结果和事件与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的重大差异的因素包括与决策有关的风险和不确定性, investigations, inquiries, regulations, denials or revocations of permits, consents, approvals or other authorizations, renewals of franchises, 以及(i)加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)的其他行动, U.S. 能源部,以及其他政府和监管机构和(ii)美国.S. and states, counties, cities and other jurisdictions therein where we do business; the success of business development efforts and construction projects, 包括以下风险:(1)按期、预算内完成建设项目或其他交易, (ii)如果这些努力完成,实现任何这些努力的预期利益, and (iii) obtaining the consent or approval of third parties; litigation, arbitrations and other proceedings, and changes to laws and regulations; cybersecurity threats, 包括国家和国家资助的行为者, 对太阳2平台的系统或与太阳2平台有业务往来的第三方系统的勒索软件或其他攻击, 包括能源网或其他能源基础设施, all of which have become more pronounced due to recent geopolitical events; our ability to borrow money on favorable terms and meet our obligations, including due to (i) actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or place those ratings on negative outlook or (ii) rising interest rates and inflation; failure of our counterparties to honor their contracts and commitments; the impact on affordability of our customer rates and our cost of capital and on our ability to pass through higher costs to customers due to (i) volatility in inflation, 利率和商品价格以及(ii)清洁能源转型的成本 California; the impact of climate and sustainability policies, laws, rules, regulations, disclosures and trends, 包括采取行动减少或消除对天然气的依赖, 政治或监管环境的不确定性增加 California natural gas distribution companies, 搁浅资产无法收回的风险, and our ability to incorporate new technologies; weather, natural disasters, pandemics, accidents, equipment failures, explosions, terrorism, 信息系统中断或其他影响太阳2平台运作的事件, damage our facilities or systems, 造成有害物质的释放或火灾,或使太阳2平台承担损害赔偿责任, fines and penalties, some of which may not be recoverable through regulatory mechanisms or insurance or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of natural gas and natural gas storage capacity, including disruptions caused by failures in the pipeline system or limitations on the withdrawal of natural gas from storage facilities; changes in tax and trade policies, laws and regulations, including tariffs, 修订国际贸易协定和制裁, any of which may increase our costs, reduce our competitiveness, 影响太阳2平台与某些交易对手开展业务的能力, or impair our ability to resolve trade disputes; and other uncertainties, 其中一些是难以预测的,超出了太阳2平台的控制范围. 

这些风险和不确定性在该公司提交给美国财政部的报告中得到了进一步讨论.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC). 这些报告可在证券交易委员会网站上通过EDGAR系统免费获得。, and on Sempra's website, 投资者不应过分依赖任何前瞻性陈述. 

Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor电力输送公司有限责任公司(Oncor)和基础设施能源公司, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (IEnova)不是同一家公司 California utilities, San Diego Gas & 电力公司或南加州天然气公司, and Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Mexico, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor和IEnova不受CPUC的监管. 


Contact Info

伊丽莎白·戴维斯,媒体和公共信息办公室, [email protected], (213) 418-5252